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Showing posts from February, 2017

What are the chances of Donald Trump's impeachment?

The Repo’s control the House by a wide margin; DT would have to do something WAY OUT OF LINE to get the 218 votes needed to pass Articles of Impeachment against him. Republicans currently have a majority of 247 seats in the House; the Democrats only 188. And remember, Impeachment is just the first half of this  megillah . He would still need to be convicted by 2/3 of the Senate (67 Senators.) The Democrats and Independents count for only 46 seats. More and more commentators are talking about the 25th Amendment as an option. There you would need the Vice-President and a majority of the Cabinet (15 seats) to remove the President. Nine votes total. Really, though, we are getting way ahead of ourselves here. You can’t impeach and convict a President just because you don’t like him. It would be better for Democrats to start organizing now to take back the House and Senate and then shut him down legislatively. AND do you really want Pence as the President. The guy is a religious

Why are people upset about Trump’s Executive Order that bans travel for people from certain Muslim countries?

Obama did not ever place a ban on travel. He increased the vigor of the visa and refugee application process which slowed the flow of travel, but did  not  ban it. Trump (or Bannon) chose the countries included in this executive order. Neither Congress nor the Obama Administration helped craft this order. They created a list of countries that should have stringent vetting, not whose people should be barred from our country. Just because there was already a list intended for x doesn’t mean Trump didn’t  choose  it for y. Nobody of relevance to the issue at hand (ie. terrorism) helped in crafting this bill. If we’re worried about security, shouldn’t there be input from the  Dept. of Homeland Security ? In fact several former security officials have voiced their opinions against this bill, because of the damage it does to our relationships with local governments and moderate muslims in these regions. Without them, it gets a lot harder to fight an ideological war. You misunders